Lima, MAY 4 2022CODECOs: Poderosa mining company bolsters an innovative governance model for sustainable development in Pataz


During the commercial talks presented at Rumbo a PERUMIN, Jorge Silva, engineer and manager of ACS Consultoría y Desarrollo, a member of the Poderosa mining group, revealed an innovative governance model for the sustainable development of the district of Pataz, in La Libertad.

It involves the Community Development Committees (CODECOs), a successful experience of citizen participation first implemented in the Cochorcos district and later replicated in Pataz to help improve organization, planning, social surveillance, and management and execution of projects in its annexes.

“We noticed that both the population’s and the local government’s capacities were limited, which did not allow them to identify and prioritize the basic needs to achieve sustainable human development in their communities,” said Jorge Silva.

That is why CODECOs were born. These are organizations of an associative nature, which represent the population. Their purpose is to surveil and oversee the execution of public spending, and to devise and manage the Community Development Plan in order to execute the most important projects for the benefit of their own community.

“The governance model has the local government working as the main actor, along with institutions of the public and private sectors, and the organized civil society,” he added.

Each CODECO is composed of the president of the peasant patrols, the lieutenant governor, the municipal agent, the president of the risk committees, and the president of the mothers’ club, among other actors of the organized civil society.

Silva emphasized that a CODECO’s primary objective is to achieve community development through consensus and the integration of authorities and representatives, ultimately seeking to improve the living conditions of the peoples in terms of health, water and sanitation, education, economic development, the environment, and public safety.

To date, training plans have been implemented for the population to get more actively involved in the development of projects.

“Poderosa has helped these people travel to different parts of the country where success stories were analyzed so that they can implement those ideas in their annexes,” he stated.

Silva also affirmed that CODECOs are accredited and recognized by the district municipality of Pataz by municipal ordinance N° 003-2007-MDP. This has allowed for them to be registered in the Public Records Office and thus acquire legal status, as well as for agreements to be signed between the representatives of the communities and the mining company involving commitments that make it possible to continue looking after the needs of the less fortunate.

On the other hand, Gilder Quiñones, head of projects at Pataz Association, mentioned that among the most important projects being executed by CODECOs are the construction and implementation of school canteens in Shicun, Nimpana, Socorro and Chuquitambo.

“In these populated centers, drinking water and sanitation services have also been improved, and educational institutions with a modern infrastructure have been built,” he added.

Finally, the representatives of Poderosa pointed out that the work carried out by the CODECOs has strengthened citizen participation and has allowed for the development of a good governance model in the district of Pataz, thanks to a joint effort.

“The actions taken by the CODECOs have managed to get public spending investments, private investments, as well as cooperation contributions to prioritize projects that help narrow social gaps.”

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