PROGRAMMinerals Processing and Extractive Metallurgy


High mineral recovery rates depend upon good processing plant performance, which is why we need to design projects to optimize comminution, concentration, flotation, and even reuse of minerals from tailings.

CONFERENCIAMinerals Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

Conference room:Sala: Nilo Ríos, Luis Tokumine - Adolfo Médico

Start Time:09:55

ModeratorJulio Bonelli, Consultor en metalurgia y ambiente

Master Conference

Yanacocha sulfides: Diversification to copper for the next decades

Franz Soto, Director Sénior de Desarrollo Estratégico, Newmont Yanacocha

09:55 - 10:55

PANELMinerals Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

Conference room:Camilo Zevallos

Start Time:12:10

ModeratorJulio Bonelli, Consultor en metalurgia y ambiente

Round Table

Sustainable management and reuse of mining and metallurgical waste – Challenges and Opportunities

Adelson Dias de Souza, Consultor, Nexa Resources - César Matías, Gerente de Tecnología, Nexa Resources

12:10 - 13:10

PANELMinerals Processing and Extractive Metallurgy

Conference room:Nilo Ríos

Start Time:12:10

ModeratorJuan Leguia, Consultor Metalurgista

Round Table

New metals for the development of clean technology

Juan Esteban Fuentes, Jefe de América del Sur, CRU - Rubén Arratia, Director de investigación, metales básicos y preciosos, Wood Mackenzie

12:10 - 13:10

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