, FEBRUARY 16 2021Claudia Cooper, President of PERUMIN 35: “In Peru we need events like PERUMIN – a summit that unites us rather than polarizes us”


Claudia Cooper, President of PERUMIN 35: “In Peru we need events like PERUMIN – a summit that unites us rather than polarizes us”

This year, the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers will carry out a series of decentralized activities in mining regions within the framework of Heading to PERUMIN - Bicentennial Edition “Generating Prosperity for Peruvians”.

Due to the pandemic, the PERUMIN 35 Mining Convention will be held in September 2022.

For Claudia Cooper, President of PERUMIN 35, summits such as the Mining Convention allow us to create spaces focused on having a national perspective that enable a viable and inclusive development.

“I think that we Peruvians need to focus on these points that generate common ground rather than those polarizing us; and I think that events like PERUMIN are precisely the ones that are going to help us achieve that”, said Cooper on national radio.

Likewise, she noted that for the Peruvian mining sector, it is important to enable a mining vision that allows a sustainable plan, the development of mining projects and the promotion of exploration in Peru. In that sense, she added that thinking about the recuperation of the economy and a future development of the country without considering the mining sector does not make much sense. 

“I believe that this discussion was put on hold many years ago, even before the pandemic outbreak. We need to deactivate all the obstacles that it generates in order to continue exploring mining projects and unlocking what we already have, such as the Tía María project. We need to enable this politically and socially, and I believe that events like PERUMIN generate the spaces we need for establishing this vision of a developed and viable country”, she commented.

Click here to listen to the full interview:

Heading to PERUMIN

In addition, Claudia Cooper announced some activities that the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) - organizer of PERUMIN Mining Convention - will carry out this year within the framework of the event Heading to PERUMIN - Bicentennial Edition “Generating Prosperity for Peruvians”.

“The idea is that Heading to PERUMIN be focused on the south mining corridor and on the regions that have mining as a fundamental pillar for their development. Thus, we are going to start in Arequipa, a region with a mining history that is essential for the sector and also for Peru in general”, she explained.

It should be noted that this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the IIMP decided that PERUMIN 35 Mining Convention will be held in September 2022. “Thinking of our community, given the risks involved in the pandemic we are living through, we agreed to postpone the event until next year, in order to guarantee the health of all citizens of Arequipa, the entire mining community and all of the people interested in mining in general”, she noted.

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