LIMA, SEPTEMBER 23 2021 Intical: Lime provides greater resistance and useful life to mining roads

"Roads in the mining sector provide traffic connectivity and demand a minimum service standard that guarantees safety, operability and durability, since they are located in mountain areas and under extreme conditions," said Juan Carlos Flores, Head of Road Projects at Cal & Cemento Sur, during his presentation at Heading to PERUMIN, with the topic "Use of lime in maintenance and improvement of roads in mining units".

He stated that in recent years, the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC), through Provías Nacional and decentralized offices, has given greater importance to the sustainable use of native materials extracted from quarries for the formation of layers and sub-layers and the improvement of subgrade.

In this sense, he proposed the use of lime in stabilization and recycling processes to provide natural soils or sub-bases of mining roads with greater mechanical resistance and longer useful life over time.

Going back to a 2014 MTC report entitled "Time intervals for periodic maintenance on asphalt-surfaced roads", he warned that conventional surfaces have a short useful life and need complete maintenance every 8 to 9 months, so it is necessary to "migrate to stabilization and/or recycling solutions for pavements".

Accordingly, he stressed that lime is the best material for stabilization/recycling processes, since it can "double the useful life to pavements", requiring periodic maintenance only between the third and fifth year of operation and generating profitability in projected costs in 10 or 15 years.

Parameters and advantages

He also added that the use of lime in the stabilization of soils complies with the parameters required by the MTC, which are included in the "Technical document for basic solutions in unpaved roads" and the "Road manual, soils and pavement section ".

Based on international research into the performance of quicklime in the hydraulic structures of the Friant-Kern canal (California, USA ), he pointed out that lime is an eternal solution, since it provides greater mechanical resistance to stabilized soils and the mineralogical characteristics improve over time, even in the presence of water, and there are no leaching processes.

"The application of lime in the soil provides advantages in the reduction of humidity and plasticity, modification of the granulometry and compaction characteristics, increased permeability and consistency (CBR), greater workability and greater resistance in the medium and long term", said Juan Carlos Flores.

Types of lime

However, there is not just one type of lime, it can be classified into three types. YURA’s Project Manager explained that quicklime, hydrated lime or lime slurry can be used for road construction, depending on the client's needs.

Quicklime, for example, is 25% cheaper to transport, it can be stored in smaller spaces, and its drying reaction is much faster compared to the other two solutions.

Hydrated lime can be applied two or three times faster than lime slurry and is highly effective in low humidity soils. Lime slurry, however, does not generate dust when applied, is evenly distributed throughout the soil and reduces costs for hydration and mixing.

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