, FEBRUARY 15 2021 Heading to PERUMIN: Open and inclusive debate on mining, its role in the face of the crisis and sustainable development

The Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers (IIMP) and the Organizing Committee of PERUMIN 35 have announced the development of the program of activities for Heading to PERUMIN - Bicentennial Edition “Generating Prosperity for Peruvians”. Aimed at promoting spaces for an open and inclusive debate on mining, it also proposes to analyze the relevance of this industry for Peru rethinking its role for the coming years and in the recovery from the economic and social crisis generated by the pandemic. 

The program includes decentralized sessions, with the city of Arequipa (PERUMIN’s official venue) hosting the kickoff for these meetings, where an analysis of the South Mining Corridor will be carried out. It is expected that the participants in these activities will include national and regional authorities, academia, private companies, representatives of native communities and the political leaders who will play a leading role in this year’s election. Sessions focused on the regions of Apurímac, Ancash and Cajamarca will also be held. 

“It is important to help as many Peruvians as possible to learn about the development proposals of the candidates running for President and Congress. In Peru, in order for a development proposal to be successful, it must have the mining sector as a fundamental pillar. In the same way, along with the proposals on policies for the sector, we need to build a new vision for the distribution of the important mining wealth of our country”, said Claudia Cooper, President of the Executive Committee of PERUMIN 35.

“Heading to PERUMIN seeks to promote an open and inclusive debate on mining in order to analyze the relevance it has had for the country and also to rethink the role it will have in the face of this crisis in the medium and long term”, added Miguel Cardozo, President of Heading to PERUMIN program.

Innovators challenge is announced

As complementary activities for Heading to PERUMIN, the first edition of PERUMIN Hub challenge will be held, aimed at promoting collaborative innovation in the development of technological solutions applicable to mining activity. According to the Executive Committee, it will allow teams of innovators to approach the industry with ventures or startups that respond to the real demand of the sector. A second PERUMIN Hub will be developed in 2022.

In addition, there is the initiative PERUMIN Inspires, which seeks to recognize and highlight the formulation of ideas for social enterprises in high Andean areas. 

It should be noted that, due to the health situation, Heading to PERUMIN activities will take place online.


PERUMIN is the most important mining event in Latin America, and has positioned Peru as the meeting point for the mining industry. This is because of its high level of participation, involving international delegations, government authorities, representatives of companies, professionals and technicians from the sector, academia, etc. Heading to PERUMIN establishes a program of activities for the 35th edition of the Mining Convention, scheduled for September 2022.

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