Cajamarca, FEBRUARY 14 2022 Cajamarca positions as one of the regions with the greatest participation in global investment

At the end of 2021, the Ministry of Energy and Mines presented the portfolio of mine construction projects, which englobes 43 projects, for a total investment of US$ 53,168 million, in 17 regions across the country.

It was thus informed by the General Directorate of Mining Promotion and Sustainability (DGPSM) of the Ministry of Energy and Mines: “From this group, 35 projects correspond to new mines (Greenfield) for a total investment of US$ 48,330 million, while eight are redevelopment or expansion projects (Brownfield) with an investment altogether of US$ 4,839 million”.

In this regard, the region of Cajamarca distinguishes itself for its important participation in the global investment of the portfolio, with five projects and an investment estimated in US$18,050 million (33.9% of the global investment).

Among them, we find the project Yanacocha Sulfuros (Yanacocha Sulfides) the construction of which will start in 2022.

In addition, the execution of Michiquillay is programmed for 2025, a mining project that represents an investment of US$ 2,500 million.

Rumbo a PERUMIN Cajamarca

As part of its activities, the Peruvian Institute of Mining Engineers of Peru and the Organizing Committee of PERUMIN 35  will hold a decentralized Rumbo a PERUMIN, which this time will focus on the mining region of Cajamarca and will take place during the 16th and 17th of February.

Under the slogan “Consensus for the progress of Cajamarca”, this new edition will be a space for analysis and debate to address the present of mining in Cajamarca, the opportunities of the sector for the communities and the challenges for the socio-economic development of the region.

The event will work out a program of technical and commercial conferences, which will also be transmitted through its official channels in Facebook ( and YouTube ( so that they are available to the general public.

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